Procedure text

                                                                E D U C A T I O N

        Education is a layer of life that is very important to from a good individual character. In addition, education also develops one's potential for spiritual possession, personality control, noble character, and skills.

      Currently education in Indonesia is experiencing a downturn, which can be seen from the large number of students who violate norms, such as; smoking, brawl, free sex, illegal drugs, and others. To advance the world of education, a character education system is needed to make students who have good character and character as learners. Following are the steps to become a character student: 

      1. Intends to study as worship. 

      2. Comply with existing rules. 

      3. Maintain morals. 

      4. Make reading a necessity.  

      5. attention management and time management.   

      6. Behave honestly. 

      So we as students with character, we must obey the existing rules and foster students to be cultured and have noble character.


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